Wedding Vows ? Should You Write Your Own? - Ah, wedding planning. | Michigan Bride | Vows, Wedding, Love, Have, Way - Michigan Bride Wedding Vows ? Should You Write Your Own? - Ah, wedding planning. | Michigan Bride | Vows, Wedding, Love, Have, Way - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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Wedding Vows ? Should You Write Your Own? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Denise Sanger   
Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Ah, wedding planning. Are you losing your mind yet? So many details to pull together before the big day. Don't worry. Believe it or not in a few months, you'll be laughing at how stressed you were while planning your dream wedding.

If you have been thinking of writing your own wedding vows, you're probably wondering to yourself that with everything else you have to take care of, when will you possibly have the time to write your vows? It may actually be easier than you think to write your vows because they come from your heart.

The best thing about writing your own wedding vows is that it's a fantastic way to personalize your wedding. A great way to get started is to sit and jot down what you love about the person you're marrying. Is she kind? Is he thoughtful? Is she a good listener? Does he go out of his way to help others? Really think about what you found so charming when you first met.

Next, think of other weddings you attended where the bride and groom read the vows that they wrote. What did you like about them? What did you not like about them? Were the vows too long? Were they too mushy for you? Again, your vows have to represent you as a person. If you try to write like someone you're not, the vows won't be representative of how you really feel.

Now that you've got your list and you know what vows you prefer, take a look around the internet to see what others similar to you have written. Many vows are published free that you can take and modify to fit you and your fianc?.

One of the most popular wedding vows is as follows:

"Love is patient; love is kind. Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it does not rejoice in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. And now faith, hope and love abide and the greatest of these is love."

-----Author unknown

No matter how many times I've heard this particular verse read at a wedding, it always sounds like the first time because of the feeling that the bride and groom bring to

the ceremony. It's a great beginning or ending that may

be used with your own personalized vows.

Whatever you decide to do with your wedding vows, remember it's from the heart and that is what matters the most.




Denise Sanger is the owner of several wedding resource websites including which carries an extensive catalog of bridal jewelry and which carries an extensive catalog of wedding favors, decorations, and other wedding planning resources. She is located in Sunny North Florida.

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