Wedding Planning Survival - You just got engaged to the love of your life. | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Date, Play, Some, Out - Michigan Bride Wedding Planning Survival - You just got engaged to the love of your life. | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Date, Play, Some, Out - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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Wedding Planning Survival PDF Print E-mail
Written by Krissy Lanni   
Wednesday, 26 December 2007

You just got engaged to the love of your life. You're more excited than ever! Except for one tiny issue; both you and your fiance's budgets have shrunk down to the small size of a pea. And they will stay that way for oh, say, anywhere from the next six to eighteen months of planning until your glorious honeymoon finally arrives.

So, what do you do? Continue doing fun and romantic things together or you will end up resenting your wedding! Wedding planning can be stressful enough already. It is important to set aside quality time for you and your fiance aside from talking or thinking about the wedding. Do not stop contributing time and effort into the wonderful relationship which got you here in the first place!

Ok, your budget for entertainment is practically non-existent. If you have ever had any creative ability, this is the time to get your imagination out of the attic!

You actually have the opportunity to think and scheme like a kid again. What could be better? Actually, I am doing the thinking for you. In this article, you will find creative, but more importantly, cheap date ideas.

Summertime Sledding: Locate a large piece of cardboard.

(Try the furniture store) Curve the end like a toboggan.

Find a sloping hill of dry grass and slide down. The park is a great place if you live in a state with hardly any hills. This really works!! Wedding Crashers: This one is for the risk-takers. Go to a wedding reception of someone you don't know. Dress accordingly, so you aren't found out.

Fancy date for you and your fianceon top of that, you get to practice your acting skills and pick up ideas for your own reception! Test out that southern or British accent you've been experimenting with. This will be a night you'll both remember forever.

When we were kids: Be kids again. Play hopscotch, go to a park, and play on the playground.

Couples night: Have an Ice cream sculpting contest. Each couple gets a block of ice cream, spoons, knives, and toppings. It is messy, but a whole lot of fun! And if you do get messy, you can help each other lick it off! If your friends or you are artsy types, you will love this.

Local store date: Plan a date somewhere you will be surrounded by many people. Before going on your date, head to the local thrift shop together. Once there, specify a small amount of money to purchase clothing or accessories for the other and then both head off to find your items.

The goal is to pick items for your fiance to wear for the rest of the evening. The entertainment is seeing the reaction from all the people who see your new outfits as you go out on your date. Here is a tip to make it more

exciting: Don't pick his or her usual style. Choose a silly costume or another era. Be creative.

Sports: Play a set of tennis, jog in the park, toss a Frisbee about, play catch with a baseball or football or shoot some baskets. Ride bicycles- rent them if you don't own any.

Picnic: They can be made as casual or romantic as you want.

Take a casual picnic meal, add some cheese and wine along with a red rose and the picnic instantly takes on a romantic feel.

These are only some ideas; feel free to come up with more on your own. And, remember, if you do some of these dates and spend quality time together, you won't resent your wedding!!



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