Making The Best Impression With Unique Wedding Invitations - So it's time to plan your big day. | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Invitations, Unique, Quality, Have - Michigan Bride Making The Best Impression With Unique Wedding Invitations - So it's time to plan your big day. | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Invitations, Unique, Quality, Have - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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Making The Best Impression With Unique Wedding Invitations PDF Print E-mail
Written by James Lingk   
Saturday, 02 February 2008

So it's time to plan your big day. Your wedding is ready to enter the planning stages and you've got a long list of tasks to do. Many things can easily get lost in the shuffle, including your attention to detail and demands for quality. Aside from the amazing wedding dress and flower arrangements that you have planned for your wedding, there is another important item that you absolutely must spend some time on: your personalized wedding stationery and invitations. Below are some key elements that you will want to get right so that you can send the most fitting and unique wedding invitations possible for your special day:

Handmade Unique Wedding Invitations vs. Off The Shelf

When ordering a mass produced wedding invitation you are often confined to the designs on hand. The companies that produce these stationery sets usually produce large quantities in advance and simply print your wedding information on them. This means there is often little flexibility in how your order can be customized (and changed altogether if need be).

Handmade invitations which are made to order by a designer allow you to be very specific about which design elements you can use such as paper stocks, ribbons and accents.

These types of unique wedding invitations can also be worked on and changed until you have the right design for you. Be sure you are aware of this before you hit the "approved" button on a mass produced set of wedding stationery.

Paper Stock - The All Important Ingredient

If you are going to make sure of one thing, make sure that the paper stock you are getting is of a very high and superior quality. These types of paper provide a very specific feel and quality when they are touched and handled. Flimsy or overly stiff card stock can make the wrong impression when opened and can capsize your wedding invitation's impression of quality very quickly. Some heavy card stock can be used to make a high quality invitation but the stocks that are made from cotton and other blending processes tend to have a softer feel and texture. These stocks also have visually appealing qualities and can instantly give the impression of quality - something that cannot be overstated.

Making Sure It All Matches

A surefire BIG mistake is to have your unique wedding invitation made on one type of paper stock and have your envelope made with another (usually lower quality) paper.

Don't laugh, it happens quite frequently. Any thorough designer is going to guarantee that you have a matching set. If your unique wedding invitations are in fact handmade, this is usually never a problem. The same principle goes for your envelope seals, save the date cards, custom announcements and all other stationery you will be sending out that are associated with your wedding.

Quality Costs More, But It's Worth Its Weight In Gold

If you truly want to make an excellent first impression by sending unique wedding invitations, custom announcements and save the date cards, it is definitely worth it to spend the extra money. Weddings are not cheap and it can always be a challenge to cut costs where you need to. But since your wedding invitations are the types of keepsake's that many people will hold on to in order to remember your event, which do you think is going to leave the better lasting impression: multi-layered unique wedding invitations on Fabriano paper or standard 80lb card stock?

In The End, You're The One Who Has To Be Satisfied

It is safe to say that anyone planning a wedding is going to want to have the perfect and most memorable occasion.

There are many things to prepare, choose, keep track of and finalize before your wedding is just right for you. It is important to make sure that your first contact with your guests and loved ones makes the right impression about your event and how important it is to you. It is easy to do this with handmade unique wedding invitations and paying attention to the guidelines offered here.



Looking for the perfect unique wedding invitations? Let Bumpercards work with you to arrive at the perfect balance of design, style and elegance. Visit us at


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