Make Your Budget Wedding Look like a Million Bucks! - Make Your Budget Wedding Look like a Million Bu... | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Budget, Dream, Planning, Services - Michigan Bride Make Your Budget Wedding Look like a Million Bucks! - Make Your Budget Wedding Look like a Million Bu... | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Budget, Dream, Planning, Services - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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Make Your Budget Wedding Look like a Million Bucks! PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tim and Lisa Spooner   
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Make Your Budget Wedding Look like a Million Bucks!


Contrary to popular opinion, beautiful weddings can be achieved while spending little to none of your (or your parent’s) money. We should know! We planned our beautiful dream wedding on less than $2,000 and want to share a few tips and ideas to help you plan your dream wedding on a tight budget.


The first thing you need to understand about planning a wedding is that the budget is your foundation. That is why we call it wedding planning ON a budget. Before you do any planning, you need to sit down with your fiancé and figure out what you can afford to spend. Consider what type of help your parents will be providing and what you have available in savings. The amount you are both comfortable spending is your wedding budget.


Once you have a set amount of money earmarked, it is time to figure out how you will achieve your dream wedding without spending more money than your budget permits.


Wedding Planning on a Budget

You and your fiancé should develop a vision of what your wedding will look like and write it down. Ask yourselves the following questions: What aspects of your dream wedding are most important to you? What would make your wedding day a dream come true? Don’t be shy about flavoring your wedding with touches that reflect your personality. Personal touches not only add meaning, but make the occasion more memorable.


At this point you have two clearly defined goals:


1) A budget that tells what you can reasonably afford to spend.


2) A summary of how you envision your dream wedding.


Keep these written goals in a prominent place in your wedding planning folder and refer to them throughout your planning experience.


Now it's time to save the big bucks! Most brides spend a lot of energy trying to get discounted wedding products and services. These are of course important to successfully planning a wedding on a budget. However, discounted wedding products and services are often not enough to help you achieve your dream wedding within your budget. In addition to discounted products and services, you should follow strategies that will produce FREE wedding products and services for your wedding.


Learn how to get not only discounted but more importantly FREE wedding products and services. Download the wedding planner that reveals how we planned our beautiful dream wedding on a $2,000 budget. Discover our proven tried and true strategies for planning a dream wedding on a tight budget!


Get Our Money Saving Secrets for Your Dream Wedding!
Download "Wedding Planning on a Budget" to discover how Tim, Lisa, and other couples have been saving thousands upon thousands of dollars on their dream weddings!




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