How Do You Choose Wedding Favor Boxes? - Planning a wedding can overwhelm even the most... | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Boxes, Favors, Want, Have - Michigan Bride How Do You Choose Wedding Favor Boxes? - Planning a wedding can overwhelm even the most... | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Boxes, Favors, Want, Have - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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How Do You Choose Wedding Favor Boxes? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Joe Palladino   
Thursday, 17 January 2008

Planning a wedding can overwhelm even the most patient person. For example how do you know what wedding favor boxes to use for your special day? There are some things that you need to consider before you choose the boxes to use.

Let's find out what these things are so you can choose the right boxes for your wedding favors.

For your special wedding day you want to have every little detail be perfect, including the wedding favors. Instead of just putting favors for your wedding on the tables for the reception you want to put them in wedding favor boxes.

Here are some things that you need to consider when you choose the boxes that you want to use for your gifts to your guests.

- How big are the tables for the reception? How are the tables decorated? You need to take these two things into account because you do not want to get wedding favor boxes that are too large for the table.

Plus, you want the boxes to look good with the tables and that does not always happen. Have you ever been to a wedding where things just did not fit!

If you have a large wedding and a small reception hall space is going to be tight. If you are packing in many small tables you need to consider how much room you have on them for your gifts to your guests.

Larger tables give you more room to work with depending on how many chairs you will be placing at each table.

- You need to know what the actual wedding favors will be that will go into the wedding favor boxes. For chocolate wedding favors you can not put them in a box because they will melt. Small favors work best with the boxes.

This seems like common sense, but planning a wedding can get hectic and sometimes small things like this get over looked. If you are going to be using boxes decide at the time you choose what favors you will handing out, how you will box them.

- Decide what color and size of box you need so that you can then decide how to have the box wrapped. You can wrap the wedding favor boxes yourself if you want but it will be easier to hire a professional to get the job done.

Time is not always on your side and depending on the size of your wedding reception this could turn into a large task that you may want to delegate. Delegating is a hard thing to do if you are a hand's on type of person, but you can still check everything out before your wedding and make any changes as you see fit!

To get some ideas for the wedding favor boxes you will use you can talk to your friends and family to see what they suggest. They will be guests at your wedding after all so why not have them help you choose the perfect wedding favors for your special day? They may have ideas that you never thought of.



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