Weekend Wedding - Weekend weddings seem to be standard practice,... | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Have, Plan, Negotiate, Rates - Michigan Bride Weekend Wedding - Weekend weddings seem to be standard practice,... | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Have, Plan, Negotiate, Rates - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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Weekend Wedding PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 22 May 2009

Weekend weddings seem to be standard practice, and with most people's schedule's it is usually the only way they can be held to insure that everyone can attend. However, I have found that with smaller weddings it IS possible to hold a mid-week wedding. Don't get me wrong, I am not suggesting that you hold your wedding on a Monday or a Tuesday and Wednesday might be pushing it, but Thursday or Friday is a defiante possibility.

There are many benefits to having your wedding on one of this "off" days. Quite often the wedding vendors, halls, chapels, lodging, etc. are not as busy or as booked. This gives you an opportunity to negotiate lower rates on the things that you need for your wedding.Granted some rates are carved in stone, but that stone is getting a little softer in this slow economy.

To really make this happen you have to do all of your homework.  Plan your wedding as if you were having a weekend wedding, then look at how you can modify it to accomodate the "off" day. Most things will stay the same, the biggest thing you will want to look at is the time of day. When you are holding it on a weekday you may want to plan the ceremony for late afternoon or early evening, be sure to account for the dinner hour!

Once you have everything planned out, contact the facility where you plan to have the ceremony and the reception to see if they can accomodate you. Once you have the wedding location taken care of, you can work on florist, transportation and so on. To negotiate lower rates for your wedding services, make sure that you know what the vendors weekend rate is and negotiate from there. Depending on the vendor you may be able to reduce your bill by anywhere from 10-20%.

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