Wedding Disasters Solved - Getting married is such a wonderful and happy time. | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Them, Have, Try, Often - Michigan Bride Wedding Disasters Solved - Getting married is such a wonderful and happy time. | Michigan Bride | Wedding, Them, Have, Try, Often - Michigan Bride - Michigan Bride
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Wedding Disasters Solved PDF Print E-mail
Written by Stephanie Elms   
Sunday, 06 May 2007

Getting married is such a wonderful and happy time. Planning the wedding and all the events surrounding that day often bring such joyous moments; however, it's not uncommon for everyone to experience some less than desirable situations along the way. Often these situations are not life and death; however, in the mist of all the wedding planning, stress levels may be elevated. For many this stress impairs their ability to calmly deal with the most minute of disasters. Here are some common disasters that brides experience and what you can do to deal with them and maintain that joyous feeling your wedding should bring.

? The invitations are printed incorrectly and there is not time to reorder them. Consider purchasing blank ones that you can print yourself. It is better to send homemade ones then ones with errors. Request that the company show you a proof prior to printing.

? The dreaded "stain" on the dress disaster. For lipstick or beverage stains, try white chalk, baking power, or baby powder. You can also try the stain pens new to the market but the others seem to work pretty well without harming the dress. Also, try to conceal the stain with your flowers if feasible. To avoid this mistake put your dress on at the last minute and ban all potential stainers from your room once you are dressed. ? If your ring bearer or flower girl develops stage fright right before the ceremony, you can try bribing them with a parent seated at the front encouraging them along. You may even need to use a treat such as candy if appropriate. If that doesn't work, you can have the parent or someone in the wedding party walk with or carry the child down the aisle. If you are concerned this may be a problem, consider having a back up plan.

? You plan an outside wedding and it rains. Call around to see if you can rent a tent. As a last resort, you can send for umbrellas. It is very important to have a plan B in place for outside weddings.

? The best man forgets the rings. You can always borrow rings from family and get the official rings later. In order to avoid this, ensure the rings are with someone you trust. If need be, have someone bring them to the church and then give them to the best man.

? You run out of food or space at the reception. Inform the point person of your catering company or reception space. They often plan for such disasters and can quickly remedy the problem. Seating can usually be managed by rotating guests to sit as others dance and mingle. Make sure you utilize RSVPs and consider padding the guest list by five people. You can also call people that have not sent in their RSVP by the given date prior to the wedding.

? Problems with the band or DJ. Hook up an iPod or MP3 player to the stereo. Usually one of your guests or wedding party will have one with music choices that are often mutually shared by other guests. Be sure to confirm dates and times a week before the wedding and have phone numbers available to contact them the day of or if there are a problems.

? Problems with the wedding cake. You can send someone out to purchase the best looking cake or desserts available. Nowadays, cupcakes are in vogue. Remember to confirm a few days before the wedding with the baker and maybe again the morning of the wedding.

? You receive a gift without a name tag. You can always look for information inside the package if it was mailed from the store. If not, try to pair the guest book signatures with handwriting or match the names with those that have already given a gift. If you can narrow down you can contact them if you know them very well. If not, have friends or family gently mention in conversation that you are very distressed because you received a gift without a name and really want to provide a proper thank you. Often through the grapevine you will find out who provided the gift.

Just remember that no matter what happens or what disaster ensues, at the end of the day you will be married. That is what it is all about so consider it a success. For additional tips on how to avoid wedding day disasters visit

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