Wedding Dresses and Rules for the Encore Brides and Grooms
Written by Sarrah Beaumont   
Thursday, 26 February 2009

White Wedding Dresses for Second Weddings

Who says you can't wear white again for your second wedding? The rule about virginal whites for wedding dresses has gone out of the window. You can wear white with impunity plus you can correct the bloopers during the first wedding. Nice thought, right? But wait, you'll have to forego the "blusher veil," that's reserved for first time brides.

Possible candidates for wedding dresses are:

* Off white floor length dress
* Sexy slip dress
* Princess gown

Choose a wedding dress that flatters your figure and make sure that the wedding dress is in keeping with the tone of your wedding theme. There is also the budget to consider since your parents are no longer obliged to chip in with the expenses. You and your groom split expenses and that's that.

Second Weddings Etiquette

Encore brides have concerns beyond wedding dresses; there are issues they and their grooms should tackle such as:

* The kids -- how are they going to take part in the wedding?
* The exes -- should they be informed?
* Ex-parents in-law - should they be informed?

If there are kids from the previous marriages, they should be involved and given tasks appropriate for their age. The exes should be informed ahead if there are children from the previous marriage but if there are none, there is no reason to inform the ex but it would be proper to write a letter informing him or her of your upcoming marriage.

Ex in-laws should not be invited if you are not comfortable with the idea especially if a bitter divorce was involved. But if you were widowed, your invitation will signal the start of a new life for you and time to stop grieving for your ex in-laws.

If this is a first wedding for your groom, let him know that you are putting all your efforts to the wedding planning. Let him feel that this wedding is as special as the first and even more. The moment the wedding plan is laid out, involve him too when you make the guest list and when choosing the perfect wedding gown from a rack of wedding dresses.

But if this is a second wedding for your groom, there will be less tension because both of you understand what is involved from the kids to the exes. Still you have to discuss all angles to make sure that you are sharing the same wavelength.

The Wedding Day

Long after choosing a gown from a row of wedding dresses down to the last bit of accessory, the day finally arrives. Be aware that there is no more need for you to be walked down the aisle and as to the marriage vows, be ready with personalized wedding vows since the first wedding vows won't be applicable anymore but just the same, it is love that will keep both of you going.

Are you both ready for your second wedding? Start looking at wedding dresses and tuxedos now.

Take the easy shopping route for wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses from an online bridal shop like