Brides And Grooms Should Focus On Financial Investment
Written by Taffy Wagner   
Thursday, 26 February 2009

All brides want happiness, security, and they want their marriage to last. If couples have debt prior to walking down the aisle, one of my first questions is as a couple have you discussed not adding additional debt to the already existing debt? Let’s face it, we both know when you have debt there is additional stress, more than likely you become someone you do not even like because you react to everything based on the emotion of financial stress and there are times when it seems you cannot get ahead.

Are brides and grooms receiving the financial guidance they are looking for? Will it come from the Florist? Wedding Officiant? Parent of Bride or Groom? Grandparent? Or will it be during pre-marital counseling? Based on comments I received from brides last year during bride shows, it is doubtful a bride will get asked how do you feel about finances from one of those seven people or maybe not at all. Yet, the couple walks away feeling unsure about finances but continuing to prepare for the “Big Day” and not forcing themselves to address finances for “THE MARRIAGE.”

The other day I was speaking with a young lady on the phone at a business establishment. She asked me the name of my company. When I told her, she said I wish I knew about you two weeks ago. We could use some financial guidance. I thought to myself, here is another “NEW BRIDE” recognizing that she needs help but would have continued on the path she was on. How many more brides are out there in that same predicament?

Agonize no more. Your CRY for financial guidance has been heard and answered by a happily married wife of 13 years. Unexpected car repairs, unemployment, economic downturn all can affect your marriage if you are not prepared. Are you seeking a self help program for your relationship or relationship advice online? The answer is Money Talk Before The Commitment Walk and Debt Stops At The Altar financial education program.
This financial education program teaches you how to communicate about money in a non-threatening manner and throughout the lifetime of a marriage. There is an entire teaching devoted to credit. One of the best features is you can complete this program in the privacy of your own home.

Love yourself and fiancé enough to invest long-term in your marriage. Think beyond your wedding day. “I DO” says for richer or for poorer, employed or unemployed, whether you are eating filet mignon or chipped beef, lobster bisque or raamen. A marriage is for a lifetime. Finances in marriage take a commitment.

Dr. Taffy Wagner is the creator of Money Talk Before The Commitment Walk and Debt Stops At The Altar financial education program. Interviewed on It’s My Wedding and I’ll Plan it If I Want to and other radio shows. Grab your copy today at or contact her for speaking opps.